Saturday, January 23, 2016

Should Auld Acquaintance    

And too soon this will end and another begin
we check ourselves for revisions
but the New Year demands newness not regurgitation.
So we meditate on our ki, adjust our yang
and make love to our synapses.

All is ready
just wait for the bell to toll
the clock to strike
the kisses to smack
the mistletoe will do the rest.

But wait.
We did this last year, and the year before and the year….
So why should this year be different?
A year older, lonelier, bolder, surer?
Yes, of our new destiny!

Let us go back then to
the beginning of our time here.
It was about our acquaintances, friends
bookends that held the 
leaves of our meaning together.

Yes, that was it.
We start again each year
reminding ourselves of our
loved ones pining for each other
in some forgotten region that we

have not entered for the past 365 days.

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